You are looking for alternatives to surgical breast augmentation, you really want to enhance your breasts; you may not be satisfied with your current size or you just want to fill your clothes so you are going to have the sexy look which is seem to the elusive object of desire for so many these days, especially with increasing numbers of women getting surgical breast augmentation nowadays! That is on one hand!
On the other hand you are not looking for the too perfect but very artificial look of breast implants. There was a time when you were in this boat, you really have to learn and accept the breast you had, and trying to live with them peacefully! But when it comes to today world, where so many invention in almost all area including the breast enhancement, thanks to the advance of modern science and technology, there are some more options that offer the same effectiveness to surgical breast augmentation. Yes, we are talking about breast enhancement pill and breast enhancement creams.
The next question is “Do breast enhancement pill and breast enhancement creams really work?” according to one site specializing in breast enhancement products the answer is in one simple word, yes! as it names after provides guides to breast enhancement products. This site further explained that all these products do really work, but they do not all work Often, many of them do not work as what the products promised and what even worst they actually produce undesirable side effects, while with the ones that do work and enlarge your breasts, you will soon notice that they come with some general lifestyle guidelines you need to exercise to achieve the maximum results out of one of these products. Be a smart consumer, as sometimes the manufacturers of breast enhancement pill and breast enhancement creams they neglect to tell you that you must practice to certain lifestyle guidelines to get their formula to take effect, and some products may actually still give additional breast growth even after your body’s natural mechanisms have “shut off” the breast growth cycle.
More according to is always pair your breast enhancement pill with the breast enhancement creams. This creams actually going into your skin and delivers some effective ingredients to stimulate further your breast growth, by this way it easier for your breast enhancement pill to do its work. By combining the oral and also applying the cream, you will get optimal results as you do utilize both external and internal breast growth stimulation. To get more information about breast enhancement products review you can visit!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Safe Alternatives to Breast Enhancement!
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7:14 AM
Bill Gates Pesan Mahasiswa Jangan Ikuti Jejaknya
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pemilik perusahaan piranti lunak raksasa Microsoft, Bill Gates, yang tak sempat lulus dari Universitas Harvard berpesan kepada mahasiswa Indonesia agar tidak mengikuti jejaknya keluar (drop out) dari universitas.
Pesan itu disampaikan oleh salah satu orang terkaya dunia itu kepada mahasiswa dari 45 perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta yang menghadiri "Presidential Lectures" di Jakarta Convention Center, Jumat.
"Yang terpenting adalah ikuti apa yang membuat kalian ingin tahu, nikmati pekerjaan itu dan teruskan keinginan itu," ujarnya.
Gates menuturkan ia memutuskan meninggalkan bangku kuliah dan menggeluti rasa ingin tahunya karena ketertarikannya pada piranti lunak.
"Saya merasa beruntung memiliki orang tua yang mendorong saya untuk membaca dan membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu saya. Mereka mendukung dan mengijinkan saya mengikuti rasa ingin tahu itu," tuturnya.
Ketertarikan Gates pada piranti lunak muncul saat ia masih muda dan komputer yang tersedia saat itu masih sangat terbatas dan mahal.
Pada usia 17 tahun, ia mulai yakin bahwa pengembangan piranti lunak dapat memperluas penggunaan komputer personal yang tersedia di setiap rumah.
Keyakinan itu yang mendorong Gates meninggalkan bangku kuliah untuk kemudian bergelut dengan Microsoft, perusahaan yang dibentuknya bersama teman masa kecilnya Paul Allen pada 1975, guna menemukan piranti lunak yang dapat digunakan untuk komputer personal.
Microsoft kini telah menjadi raja dunia di bidang piranti lunak dengan pendapatan 51,12 miliar dolar AS pada 2007 dan mempekerjakan 78.000 karyawan di 105 negara.
Pada 2008, Gates berencana mengurangi peran keseharian di Microsoft secara bertahap dan berkonsentrasi untuk yayasan yang didirikan bersama istrinya, Melinda Gates, yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan.
Pemilik nama lengkap William H Gates itu lahir di Seattle, Amerika Serikat pada 28 Oktober 1955, dari pasangan William Gates II yang berprofesi sebagai pengacara dan Mary Gates, seorang guru.
Ia mulai menaruh minat pada bidang piranti lunak sejak usia 13.
Gates berada di Indonesia selama dua hari, 8-9 Mei 2008, untuk membalas kunjungan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ke kantor pusat Microsoft di Seattle, pada 2007.
Selain memberi kuliah umum berjudul "The Second Digital Decades" dalam "Presidential Lectures" yang dihadiri 2.500 peserta, Gates juga dijadwalkan menghadiri Asia Pasific Global Leaders Forum yang merupakan acara pertemuan pemimpin dan pebisnis Asia Pasifik, di Hotel Shangrila, Jumat siang.(*)
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7:11 AM